Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Split-Level Marriage

Very often, marriages are classified as "Split-Level Marriages". Of course you're going to say: what on earth is a split-level marriage.
Split-level marriages are those marriages that just exist on an agreement and not a commitment.. Kind of like: "you take the high road and I'll take the low road" agreement.
These marriages function basically with two individuals going in separate directions. The husband and wife take their own vacations and schedule events only around themselves and not with each other! Sad isn't it. What's even sadder, it's against God's principles of marriage.
It is diametrically opposed to the vowels of marriage and is the number one cause of divorce. I'm sure most people aren't aware of that statistic. It's true.
It is impossible for a marriage to function in those type scenarios, not to mention that it actually nullifies the marriage vowels you took. .Don't be deceived, you don't really have a marriage under those conditions. You just have a bed partner!

Let's see what the Holy scriptures tell us. In the book of Amos, chapter 3, verse 3 reads: Can two walk together except they be agreed. It is a law, a principle, and a commandment of God. Sorry, there's no way around it. You are destined for failure and ultimately divorce. If there are children involved, it is even more devastating, because you have destroyed the foundational upbringing of those siblings. Shame on you!

When Jesus prayed for his disciples in the book of St. John 17:21 He says: That they all may be one;. . .doesn't that strike your senses? The Bible speaks a lot about being one!
Split-level marriages just don't work!
Besides, anything you split becomes two. Get the point? No longer two, but one. . .Matthew 19: 6. You see, you've got it backwards!

What is the message for your marriage? Come together as one, it will revolutionize your marriage and your life.. . . . .then you really will have a Blessed day!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17