Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Talk to the Hand. . . .

"Talk to the Hand" seems to be a very common phrase in many marriages today. That's why in today's segment we confront those communication issues.

Far too many marriages begin to dwindle before they get started good; all because of one little word called: Communication!
Communication is without controversy, the life-blood or the heart beat of a marriage. It's so important, that without it, there can be no marriage. The ability to develop a dialogue with your mate seals the bond of matrimony and allows absolutely nothing to come between the couple nor will it allow any interference. It is the universal language of Love, Marriage, and relationship.
Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. You see, God made us all, both male and female, to be attracted to each other, not just by physical attraction, but through the communication process; we find the things that we have in common as well as the things we do not. Communication is that bridge that makes "no more twain, but one". . .Matthew 19:5.
When you fail to communicate, you lock out your mate's ability of expression, which then triggers an emotional breach, which then opens another door to the mind. . . . .then comes the enemy to rob you of that intimate relationship: subsequently, it's no more a relationship, it's "Talk to the Hand". Do you get my point?
Thousands upon thousands of divorces could have been prevented if there had been just the effort of communication! Kind of sad isn't it. I beg you my dear married friends, don't be so hardened in your heart until you allow your feelings to dry up. Everybody needs someone!.....and everyone responds to love!,. . .so, no need to pretend, it's how God made us.
In my conclusion, I admonish you today, don't talk to the hand. . . . .talk to each other.
Have a wonderful day. . . that's right, you are Blessed

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17