The Arrangement. . .
Today we are discussing "The Arrangement". I have called it the arrangement because it is just that. Many of our marriages today have domiciled it's self in an arrangement that is always subject to change.
Often our failures in marriage are due to this arrangement not really entering into a covenant bond like we are suppose to;(in marriages) and sadly enough, our marriage relationship can go sour.
One will ask, what's the difference, isn't a marriage an arrangement. Absolutely not!
It's a play on words just like a metaphor, but it doesn't mean the same thing. Remember, words are very important and can be binding and life changing. Think that's powerful? Well it is.
Just think of the two little words, "I Do". They lock you into a contract that it takes legal representation to undo. Think about it!
So words do matter, just like the word arrangement. Arrangements can change based on circumstances. Where covenants don't ever change, because the standards don't ever change. Example: does your love for someone change because they grow taller? Of course not. Neither does the life commitment of the marriage bond change, that is if you enter into a covenant and not an arrangement. Are you getting the point?
Marriage is a life style designed for those who will submit to a covenant between the two parties. Not by force or circumstances, but by love. Not sex, lust, convenience,pregnancies,fear,money, or anything outside of the criteria of Holy matrimony. It is a selection by choice. An inspired decision if you will, along with a heart-felt desire to forever love as one.
You see my dear friends, marriage really is for those who are not afraid of making a total commitment. Anything Short of that, I believe you should wait.
On the other hand, if an arrangement is all you are looking for, it's best not to get married. Let your conscience be your guide in your own convictions.
The great thing about life is this: God gives every individual an ability to choose what's right and what's wrong; and beside, the results always tell the real truth anyway. So take time to analyze your own actions. That way you don't have to feel like you're being judged.
Relationship covenant or arrangement; you be the judge. Place your marriages in the balances of truth. It will help you. Remember, no one is perfect, only God, but we all can benefit from error, once we acknowledge the truth.
Turn your marriage into an everlasting covenant, after all. . . it's all up to you!
Be Blessed and have prosperous day. . . .you deserve it!