Where did our Love go?
One of the true signs of love lost in many marriages is the lack of interaction between the two. Usually it starts when one says: "I'm too tired" or "I can't right now", and many other innuendos that just say, I don't have any more time for you. Remember, a man's speech betrays him!
A sure sign of Love-lost will express itself the exact opposite of the way God intended for your marriage to function. For example: remember when you two first met and were really trying to get with each other? Your conversation was different. . . .when can I see you again, let's go out to dinner, can you meet me for coffee, I just thought you might like this little gift, and on and on and on. All these words were words of invitation.....very important!."maybe a little later, I can't right now, I'm watching the game!, I don't feel like it. Sounds completely different doesn't it? Almost like another language. Well it is.......it's called Love-lost.
The Bible teaches us in the Holy scriptures that Jesus only stands at the door and knocks. . .Revelation 3:20, it is up to you to invite Him in. The same with our marriages. Love is kind and gentle, meek, beareth all things, says I Corinthians Chapter 13. Love will never force it's way in. IT MUST BE INVITED IN! Get the picture?
When we preoccupy ourselves so with life's day to day issues; we loose the ability to prioritize what's really important, like LOVE for each other, our marriage will suffer a Love-lost.
Now, here's the good news. . . . .when the prodigal son realized that he didn't have to live under the conditions that he was living in, the Bible says . . .he came to himself .. . Luke 15:17 thru 24. The very moment you realize that you don't have enough time for each other, it's a sure sign to STOP! Re-evaluate your activities, and re-prioritize if necessary. . . .but what ever you do, don't let Love-lost ruin your marriage! You have the POWER to save it! Invite each other into each other's activities. Get involved with the other's interest., and when you do these things, you are destroying Love-lost, and inviting each other back where you belong.( Holy matrimony), the bond of MARRIAGE! You see, sometimes you have to go back. . . . .the prodigal son did! Always remember : God is Love!
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