Wednesday, June 27, 2007

After the Thrill is Gone. . .

It is very likely in today’s segment, that some skeletons in our closets are revealed.
After the thrill is gone, and of course you’re wondering what thrill it is I’m referring to.
It is the thrill of marriage. Yes, it’s that thrill that kept you awake at nights, so in love and not being able to wait until daybreak for another opportunity to see, touch, converse with that special someone. You remember don’t you?

Then the ultimate day finally arrives. You make that lifetime decision: to get married.
Some may choose a couple of weeks to get away, while others choose a secluded place to wallow in passion. Don’t be ashamed, it’s natural and legal. (smiles). Even the Bible says:
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
So you see, even the Lord knows that marriage is one of the most beautiful experiences in life, if of course it’s done with purpose and sincere intent.

The problem comes after the thrill is gone. Then what? Another life begins. Children, bills, responsibilities, work, and very little time for each other actually. Moods changes, conversation becomes a business meeting, schedules may conflict, and after all that, it’s the end of the day. Intimacy, what’s that. . . and finally the routine begins again, the next day.
After years pass, (hoping that it last that long) the mind wonders. The mind wonders if he or she is still loved or if they are still number one. No, it’s not a pretty picture I’m painting, however, it is a reality in some marriages. Sometimes all it takes is a little interest from an outside party and a war inside begins. A door now opens for temptation!

Now do you really think that The Lord intended for your marriage to end up in such a condition? Absolutely not! In fact the scriptures even tell us that: Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. That’s right my dear readers, God cares about your marriage. He cares if you are hurting inside. He sees when you’re in despair, and He knows when situations cause you to feel helpless… .but there’s GOOD NEWS !
It is the perfect time for the Lord to take over. Yes, it’s that simple. You just need to invite Him in, that is, into your life and then into your marriage. It’s kind of a reality check.
Dear friend, you really don’t have to switch partners. That’s usually the “quick fix” for unhappy relationships today. What you really need is a marriage tune-up. Sounds funny….it’s not.

God can really tune up your marriage. The key is calling upon Him. Psalm 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Please, my friends, don’t give up because you think or feel that the thrill is gone out of your marriage. Call upon the Lord, He will make a difference, . . .in your life and in your marriage. After all, it’s what Marriage God's Way is all about., our marriages..
God Bless and keep you today!


Scarlet said...

It's a lot easier when you're not unequally yolked. When one doesn't want to acknowledge God and the other lives for God, it doesn't make for an ideal marriage. God is bigger than this problem though, and He will see us through.

Bishop Larry C.&; Sis Brenda Scott said...

You're exactly right! The power of a living testimony is more effective that any denial or rejection."Let every man be a liar, but God's word is truth! Besides, it can only be denied and rejected here on earth, but not at the judgement! Stay Blessed.

Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17