Friday, June 29, 2007

The Faith of a Marriage - Part I

Today's segment is actually a true story about a married couple that kept their bond of love for each other even through the toughest times, and relied upon their immovable faith in God.

It all began one summer in the metropolitan city of Philadelphia. This man and wife along with four small children lived in a rented row house in a very poor neighborhood.
In those days, mothers actually stayed at home to raise the children, while the father worked sometimes two jobs to make sure that the family could eat. Only this particular summer was very different. The father lost his job and was not able to find work for three months. Obviously money had run out and they were getting desperate and was forced to seek for outside help. Unfortunately, family wasn't able to help and they had only acquaintances not friends.
Finally, their back was against the wall. They had no other alternative but to apply for public assistance.
To their surprise, a letter came to their door from the Assistance Office to inform them that they had been turned down for public assistance. With no where to turn, together, they stood their ground on the fact that their marriage was ordained by God and if in fact it was, they knew that God would never leave them , nor forsake them.. . . Hebrews 13:5 By the end of August, the 28th in fact, ( it was the father's birthday). They had completely run out of provision for the family and the only thing left was a bottle of water and one small box of macaroni.

The father then immediately called a family forum. He apologized to the children for not having any food to eat and showed them the one box of macaroni and said to his wife and children: " I still don't believe that God has forsaken us, so I refuse to charge God foolishly; so we will go to bed tonight hungry and eat our last box of macaroni tomorrow and then die. Of course with great confidence in their parents, the children ran off to play. The husband and wife retired to the bedroom and began to pray. The husband assured his wife that God sees our children and will not let them starve.

Approximately one half hour later, all four of the children came running and rejoicing saying: Look! look!. They had found 8 pennies. Immediately they all starting rejoicing as the husband declared: you see, God's not going to see the children go to bed hungry. The father then instructed the children to go to the corner store to purchase some cookies and divide them among themselves. Afterwards, the married couple remained in their bedroom rejoicing for the kids. Another half hour transpired, and suddenly the children came running and screaming. At first, the parents thought that one of the children had gotten hurt, only to find out that they had found more pennies, this time, even more, $0.11 cents. . . . . . .to be continued . . . . Be Blessed.

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17