Friday, June 1, 2007

Is There A Doctor in the House?

Well, I'm sure by now you're wondering what I am referring to when I say " is there a doctor in the house".
Surely I am referring to the Holy Scriptures ( The Bible). Yes, you are exactly right! That is what's needed in your household to cure any and all the illnesses of Marriage.
Often in our marriages, we suffer wounds of our pasts, and experience pain and travail of life's experiences. It is at that time when our marriages begin to suffer illness and time to call for a doctor; or in simple terms, time to open up the Bible and receive instruction.
In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 8, verse 3, we are charged to understand that . . .man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God! How important that is! Again it is repeated in Matthew chapter 4, verse 4. Usually when the Lord says something twice, it is a foundational principle. So allow me to say it this way. . . .GOD'S WORD IS DESIGNED FOR YOUR MARRIAGE.
Many of the issues of life can easily come in to play to breakdown the structure of your marriage. Pressures, financial burdens, employment dissatisfaction, communication breakdowns, depressions, and so many many more. This is the perfect time to regroup and call in "the Doctor", as Coca Cola would say. . . the real thing! and by the way . . . . Jesus is the "real thing"
In fact, Jesus says: Come unto me all ye that are burden and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. . . .take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden light . . . .in me you will find rest for your souls. . . Matthew 28 - 30.
Let's face it, the only real cure for trouble or illness in our lives or our marriages is CHRIST, the Hope of Glory! Come on now, give the Lord of hosts a try. besides, He is the King of Glory, the deliverer, the healer, the mind regulator, the prince of peace, our provider, the beginning and the ending.,our protector!
Want to know a secret? God is already in tomorrow. It's now our responsibility to get in God! Put your marriage in God's hands. He's the Doctor! and He will take your case. Know something else?. . .
IT'S F R E E ! Be Blessed!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17