Sunday, June 3, 2007

It's Tight . . .but it's Right!

Prayer is a subject that most people rarely ever talk about. In our marriages, it's almost unheard of . However; prayer is almost the life-blood of our existence and vital for a healthy marriage.
If you notice, even those that do not believe in religion or in God, find themselves in a mode of prayer, especially when trouble comes. Have you ever noticed when a person is about to experience some dramatic thing in their life, their response is "Oh Lord". . . and some people even cut through the chase and just say: "JESUS". (smiles). Well it is that instinct built inside of us to pray, or if you will, call for help in the time of trouble!
The scriptures instruct us to pray. . . .Luke 18:1: And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. In a way Christ was giving us a hint. You don't have to worry when trouble comes, you have an alternative!. . .PRAY. . . .When complex issues arise in your marriages, you don't have to divorce. . . .there is another way. . . .Pray. It is God's way of telling us that when you're tired of doing your thing, come to me, call upon me and I will answer and show you a way. . .. Scripture also tells us that Jesus says: I am the way , the truth and the life. . .St. John 14:6.
There will be situations that arise in your life and in your marriage that you simply have NO CONTROL OVER. What then do you do? Do you give up?. Do you jump off the cliff? Do you Divorce? Of course not. . You Pray!
Keep this in mind, God does not want you to fail, in fact He has written in His word a verse designed just for you! III John, second verse: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
You see, our way of handling life's ups and downs is through reason, logic, sight, interlect, and sometimes desperation! God on the other hand addresses these same situations through Divine purpose, Divine plan, tribulation, purpose,and destiny. Even the scriptures tell us in Romans, chapter 8, verse 28: and we know that all things (didn't say all good things, just all things) work together for the good to them who love God and to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Sounds to me as if we've got a little homework of our own to do. Let's be honest, our marriages and our lives can only be productive if we allow God and His word to habitat in our life's experiences.
Case and point: There is a plan for your marriage and a plan for your individual life. One of the ways to find out is through the vehicle of Prayer. . . .it's tight . . . .but it's right!
God loves you, for real!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17