Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Matter of Choice, not chance!

Today's segment deals with the choices we make in our marriages. After all, the choices we make dictate the consequences we face.

The Bible teaches us in Psalms 37:23: The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. . . .which tells us up front that when decisions are to be made, our responsibility is to seek guidance from the Lord. Every decision we make in our marriages is vital and determines the success or failures we encounter.
Some of the examples are: choices on how we spend money, where we live, who are our associates, what we expose our children to, and many others. It's also important how we spend our time, whether together, separate, with family, at work, etc. Being a good Steward of your time, especially in a marriage, it vital.
It's not necessary to list the bad choices we make, because they can be easily identified by their results.
No one is born into this world with all the answers of life unfortunately, so it becomes necessary to first consult with each other, (so important), then to seek God's guidance when making these decisions.
One may say, "I think I'm doing OK without God's help. What a foolish gesture! It may be true that you're doing alright today! . . .but the truth of the matter is you're not always prepared for the unexpected!
Romans, chapter 12, verse 16 says: be not wise in your own conceits. What does that mean? Just this: never be so sure that the decisions you have made are the right ones. Always leave room for alternatives. The welfare of your marriage may depend on just that. The right word ( instruction) in due season (the proper time) how good it is. . .Proverbs 15:23. Everyone needs help sometimes!
So what's the point?. . . .Simply this: it is a matter of choice that our marriages function and grow. It is a matter of chance however that our marriages will function where there is no discipline. Remember, you have the authority to make any decision you so choose; but authority without discipline is chaos!

Success is a matter of choice!. . . . . .so don't take chances . . . .your marriage survives on your choices. Always be Blessed!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17