Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Not What. . .But Why !

In today's message, we discover the truths about our marriages and relationships. Let's face it, our marriages either work or they don't work, not because of the "what" but the "why".

Please let me explain: the what is real easy. It's just the act that we have performed.
However, the why on the other hand is much more difficult to pull off. It is in this context that we display before God and man, our real intent or motives for what we do. "for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." says I Samuel 16:7. Believe it or not, the very life blood of our marriages hinges upon one thing, our motives.
Marriages are literally destroyed because people have gotten married for the wrong reasons ! It would benefit you very little to list reasons why people get married; and besides, it would only frustrate you and put me in a judgemental seat. That's not my place.
The message today is really about self examination. It tells the true story about you and how it can imprison you for the entire term of your marriage, or it can completely liberate you into a world of Love, Truth, and Happiness! Of course the choice is yours to make.
Why we do a certain thing is just as important as performing the act! Listen to this profound scripture: Romans, chapter 14, verse 22 reads: Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. Wow. . . . . pretty powerful, wouldn't you say? You see, what God expects from our lives and our marriages is to first be honest. Then our possibilities can outweigh our realities! Confused? don't be.
Here's the point! Far too many couples jump into marriage without sitting down and counting up the cost. You've heard the expression: one bad apple ruins the entire bushel. Well, one wrong motive instantly annuls your marriage, that is, in the eyesight of God.; because real marriages flourish and bloom like a flower in May.That's the WHAT. . . .and the WHY. . . is because it was based on truth, honesty, and most of all Love!
Unfortunately, our society doesn't seem to produce those whats and true whys anymore.
Please my dear friends, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7. . . .so to the married, you've already taken care of the What. . .it might not be a bad idea now to take another look at the Why. . . .after all, God does. It's never too late!
You've gotta be Blessed.


Scarlet said...

I bookmarked you because, for me, this site is a Godsend. It's true about self examination. We need to take an honest look at ourselves before we can have an honest, loving and happy marriage. Without truth, there is no lasting love and happiness.

Bishop Larry C.&; Sis Brenda Scott said...

Thank you for your wonderful comments. I am forever humbled to know that I am reaching a people,called out of a people to receive God's engrafted word. God is counting on us. . to make the difference. God keep you!

Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17