Saturday, June 9, 2007

It's your Thing. . .do what you want to do?

Today's message deals with dwelling together, outside of the marriage bond. Yes, that's right, I'm referring to "Shacking". Shacking, is a modern day term for two people who supposedly love one another but not enough to make the life-time commitment called marriage. It's easy, it's convenient, and has many escape clauses. But!. . . it's against God's Law.
Consider what I say, and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. . .II Timothy 2:7; says the Apostle Paul as he speaks to the church that seeks for excellence. Excellence in our relationships as in the union of marriage is what God requires.
Just living together is not enough in the eyesight of God. Marriage requires a commitment.
You wouldn't walk into a supermarket and ask to take the groceries home to try them before you paid for them would you? Well it is the same in the marriage bond. Anything short of the plan that God has set forth is called " Fornication." .That's right, it's a sin!

Think about it, if the institution of marriage through the process of ceremony, license, blood test, and etc, has been adopted just about throughout the world, and is required by law in most states in this country, there's a very likely possibility that this tradition has been passed down from somewhere. . . . . .it has, . . . the Word of God!

Although the moral fiber of today's society has been reduced to just : doing what you want to do . . ., it does not negate the fact that God has the plan designed for those who will engage in an intimate relationship, called Marriage. Matthew 19 says that this is the only time when it is necessary for a man and woman to leave their family roots to embark on the journey of Holy Matrimony.

Consider this; we involve God to take on this vowel, ( a preacher, God's man or woman) but not when we divorce, ( it takes lawyers) . . .Hmm!. . .doesn't that tell you something? Things that are of God are eternal, but things that are of this earth are just temporal.! Food for thought? . . .you better believe it!

The message: " if you're shacking, . . . .you just might want to start packing". . . . .or maybe not, remember: you really only have to answer to God!
God loves you today!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17