Thursday, July 12, 2007

Use it or Loose it. . .it's really never too late!

Today's segment deals with time! Yes, timing is everything. You see my friends God deals in time too; but it's not the time that we measure. It is a right time, it is an appointed time, it is an in season time, a purposed time, and if you will, an ordained time.
In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 , it reads: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Yes, and even a time to marry. It's never too late! It's just that we do not recognize these times, and quite frankly, it is at times very difficult.
Although this segment is really about the timing of God, I by permission, would like to add this: Many marriages have broken their bonds and some have almost come to that same breaking point. If I may encourage you today to hold on to what you have believed at first, (your love, your dreams, and that unconditional commitment), it just might be now,yes even now, the right time!. . .time to rebuild your marriage.
We encounter many experiences in life and all not so pleasant, and many of them very hard to bear, nevertheless, these experiences are actually lessons of strength, endurance, and perseverance, to teach us to appreciate the value of our relationships. . . .our marriages. Timing plays an important role in this whole cycle. It all revolves around the foundation that we started on. If the foundation is strong, and the structure is faulty, it can be torn down and rebuilt. otherwise the entire project must be eliminated. Do you get it? It's so important that you understand this principle. It's never ever too late to rebuild your marriage. In fact, it is a way of God. It's called: reconciliation.
Remember, Christ forgave us for all the stupid things, including sinful things we have committed and have tossed them into a sea of forgetfulness, to be remembered no more. (that's important for you to know)
You're gonna shout on this one: 1 John 2:12 I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. When your heart begins to change, that's God's timing. Praise God!
Now here's the thought: Forget about what friends, family, co-workers, outsiders, and anyone else who tries to give you advise regarding YOUR situation in your marriage! Follow your heart, not your head, not your feelings, (because sometimes your feelings get hurt and that makes it difficult to get over), and certainly not what the majority is doing. It's your marriage. . . . .USE IT, OR LOOSE IT!
I just know that you are Blessed!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17