Sunday, August 5, 2007

Marriage. . .Profound or Profane

In today's segment, we look into the institution of marriage and how we view it's real meaning. We understand that from the very beginning, God instituted the marriage bond.

In Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
You see, God knew that Adam (the first natural man) could handle having dominion over the earth, he just didn't want him to do it alone. Many times in our marriage relationships, we operate as independent entities. When I looked up the word "profane", I noticed that it represented the act of going against that which was sacred. In other words, acting against, or not reverencing that which was sacred. When we act outside of the parameters of that which God has set forth in a marriage, we actually make our marriage profane; and is one reason why marriages don't last.

Even in practical life, assembling a table, or cabinet, and not following the directions given to you by the inventors, usually ends up being thrown in the trash. Why?. . . .simply because it becomes unusable if it is not assembled properly.
The same applies to the marriage union. If the principles and guidelines set forth by God throughout the Holy scriptures are not followed to the letter, the results are . . . .well I don't have to tell you. . . .see for yourself: chaos, disarray, unhappiness, discontentment, often abuse, and ultimately divorce. That's certainly not how God planned it.
Did you pick the wrong mate? Of course not, you just didn't follow the instructions.
On the other hand, when looking up the word "profound", I found the meaning to be a knowledgeable depth. Interesting isn't it? Webster also categorized as "unbreakable". Wow, now that's amazing!
Just by following the rules and guidelines of God's word for marriage, will cause a depth that is unbreakable. Ha Ha Ha. . . .Praise God. I'm getting happy now, so I'd better close with this:

Which one is it for your marriage? "PROFANE or PROFOUND"? You know the choice is really yours. As my wife says to me constantly, "why don't you try reading the instructions". . . .you should try it too! . . . .It'll make all the difference in the world in your marriage!
Marriage God's Way. . . .it's really Profound!
Be Blessed!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17