Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Picking up the Pieces. . .

Today we address a catastrophic casualty; which are marriages that have been destroyed.

In our segment today, we offer some alternatives for these destroyed marriages, and in a way you'll be "picking up the pieces.

Typically when a tangible item has been broken, we usually try and pick of the pieces, simply to try and reassemble or put it back together. Why? . . . .because it is valuable to you. Today, I'd like to try and do the same thing with your broken marriages. Let's take a look at some interesting facts.
Most broken marriages erupt usually when a breach of trust is revealed or possibly a conflict of hidden interest comes to the surface. At that point, the two involved parties have determined that the furtherance of this relationship is not going to work. Wrong answer!!

Piking up the pieces should be your first line of strategy. It is commonly known around the globe, that broken marriages erupt from a lack of communication. Getting to the source of a problem is very important. It's not the whats and the whens that should be looked into, it's always the whys that you should be concerned with. Intelligent people don't just act without reason. It is at that point that communication should comes into play, the first step of picking up the pieces. Step number (2) should be the revealing of honesty. True to thy self, then true to your mate.Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Agreement doesn't mean that you think the same or that your views on the subject are the same. It simply means that you both have found a common ground of understanding about the same thing. If you identify it, you can change it, but only if you're willing to "pick up the pieces". You see, divorce is actually a punishment, not an easy out. I would look closely at one who would so easily want divorce above trying to save what is precious! That is an issue concerning "motive".
So what are we saying here today? As in building a marriage relationship, it is a process, so is the re-building of one. Picking up the pieces is the beginning. Think about it. Once you have become one, joined in Holy matrimony and establish that relationship, why would you want to loose a part of yourself?
1 Corinthians 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
When accidentally you strike your hand with a hammer, do you cut off the other hand that hit it? Of course not, even though it wasn't intentional, and you were hurt by it, you still want it to heal, why? . . .because you're gonna need it later. (smiles) As it is with your broken marriage. A real marriage is necessary for both. Reconciliation is the best antidote for damaged relationships and broken marriages.
Now let's recap. In Picking up the pieces we understand that it is a process. First and foremost we communicate, secondly we lay our cards on the table identify the issue through honesty. Thirdly to seek for reconciliation and repair. Lastly, of course as always, seek through the Holy scriptures for answers about yourself. You may be surprised what you find. When you are able to know your self, it becomes so much easier to interact with others, especially your mate.
Now I know that your problems aren't solved today, but if you start the process of picking up the pieces, you will find results that you never imagined were possible.
. . . . .and as always. . . . Stay Blessed!

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Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17