Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When will we ever learn. . . .?

Hello again readers. After glancing through the newspapers and watching the news, I am saddened to read of so many women's children are being molested by men, just because they "needed someone".

Listen ladies,I am truly an advocate of marriage, but not to the extent of endangering your life and the lives of your children. That's crazy!

Truly the scriptures say: 1 Corinthians 7:9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. . . . . and if you think you have found someone who is willing to make that commitment; then get married; but to just to have a partner to fulfill some lonely feeling or just to have sex, I tell you, it's no good. There is a better way.
With all types of perverted lust spirits in the air, you need to know who you are bringing into your home, especially if you have children.
That's right my dear hearts, even in the old biblical days there were perverted lust demons and spirits. So much so until they even attempted to have sex with angels.
Now if these spirits had no respect or regard for heavenly beings, do you think for one minute that they will regard your innocent child?
It's not a trade off. You need to know about these things. Stop telling your self that you are desperate and so alone that you can't help it. That's not true. It is a trick of the devil, whether you believe it or not.Don't get caught up in a relationship that is going no where just for the thrill.
You can be single God's way as well as married God's way! He is able to sustain you in either situation.
Let your inner man instruct you, not your emotions. They can deceive you. The scriptures tell us: Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Remember this: you are loved by God always; and there is that some one who will also love you, the right way. Bed partners are a dime a dozen, but a real love mate awaits you with a commitment for life.

Don't get caught up in the "lonely hearts club". It's really for suckers, and besides it only leads to perversion and many times unnecessary murders.
So if you think this is a joke, read the newspapers. It's for real.

God Bless you and be sure to have a wonderful day, and remember:



N/A said...

love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm really loving the raw honesty of some of these articles. My heart is broken when I hear of my friends struggling in their marriages and I think of the areas that I need to get stronger in my own. Maybe if we were willing to take a hard look at some of these "uglier" aspects of relationships, we would be better equipped to face the challenges in our own marriages.

Anonymous said...

I'm really loving the raw honesty of some of these articles. My heart is broken when I hear of my friends struggling in their marriages and I think of the areas that I need to get stronger in my own. Maybe if we were willing to take a hard look at some of these "uglier" aspects of relationships, we would be better equipped to face the challenges in our own marriages.

Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17