Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where did our Love go?

One of the true signs of love lost in many marriages is the lack of interaction between the two. Usually it starts when one says: "I'm too tired" or "I can't right now", and many other innuendos that just say, I don't have any more time for you. Remember, a man's speech betrays him!

A sure sign of Love-lost will express itself the exact opposite of the way God intended for your marriage to function. For example: remember when you two first met and were really trying to get with each other? Your conversation was different. . . .when can I see you again, let's go out to dinner, can you meet me for coffee, I just thought you might like this little gift, and on and on and on. All these words were words of invitation.....very important!."maybe a little later, I can't right now, I'm watching the game!, I don't feel like it. Sounds completely different doesn't it? Almost like another language. Well it's called Love-lost.

The Bible teaches us in the Holy scriptures that Jesus only stands at the door and knocks. . .Revelation 3:20, it is up to you to invite Him in. The same with our marriages. Love is kind and gentle, meek, beareth all things, says I Corinthians Chapter 13. Love will never force it's way in. IT MUST BE INVITED IN! Get the picture?

When we preoccupy ourselves so with life's day to day issues; we loose the ability to prioritize what's really important, like LOVE for each other, our marriage will suffer a Love-lost.

Now, here's the good news. . . . .when the prodigal son realized that he didn't have to live under the conditions that he was living in, the Bible says . . .he came to himself .. . Luke 15:17 thru 24. The very moment you realize that you don't have enough time for each other, it's a sure sign to STOP! Re-evaluate your activities, and re-prioritize if necessary. . . .but what ever you do, don't let Love-lost ruin your marriage! You have the POWER to save it! Invite each other into each other's activities. Get involved with the other's interest., and when you do these things, you are destroying Love-lost, and inviting each other back where you belong.( Holy matrimony), the bond of MARRIAGE! You see, sometimes you have to go back. . . . .the prodigal son did! Always remember : God is Love!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Marriage, A Terrible thing to Waste

In this segment, a prophetic word for Marriages. . . Hosea 4:6 reads: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of they God, I will also forget thy children.
That's pretty strong, wouldn't you say, especially coming from the Lord.

Our actual life blood and well being really comes from God, whether we accept it or not. The fact is, once we enter into the bond of marriage, we are actually mandated to conduct our marriages "God's Way". Consider all the things that are at stake., your children, your position in God. Yes, that's right, remember in the scripture?. . . .you will no longer be a representative of God. Why is that so important?; simply because without God in your life and in your marriage, YOU ARE REALLY ON YOUR OWN. That's gotta be kind of scary, don't you think?.

Nevertheless, the Word of God says: If ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land, Isaiah 1:19. There is a plan and purpose for your marriage, but without the instruction from the Word of God, you won't know what to do!

Search the scriptures, spend time in prayer, ask God to help you in your marriage, He will. I can guarantee you this. . .if you go to God for your direction and instruction for your marriage, your life will begin to prosper and your marriage will carry an influence and an impact, everywhere you go! Try it!

Remember, happiness, contentment, joy, peace, and fulfillment in your marriage is what you really want , but it can only happen if you allow the knowledge through God 's Word to take course in your life which then will overflow into your marriage. Besides, marriage is a terrible thing to waste!

May God Bless You and your Marriage today!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Two's Company, but Three's a Crowd

In the beginning, after the Lord had made the heavens and the earth, he made man and woman. It was God who had joined Adam and Eve together and they two became one flesh, says Genesis Chapter 2. Does that give you a hint?

Unfortunately, in this in-time society, almost anything goes. A wife at home, girlfriend on the job, and who knows what else. But from the beginning it was not so. Marriage was an intervention approved and sanctioned by God. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man put asunder, Matthew 19:6. Need a reason to stay married?, there's one.
Marriages however can get stale and uneventful only because we have not allowed God to join us together. Instead, we look outside of our marriages for comfort, attention, and many times even sex. This practice can only lead to the destruction of our marriage and the devastation of one's heart. Trust me, three is a crowd!

The Bible gives us a clear outline of the structure of marriage to ensure that disinterest and boredom does not slip in . scipture says that we should in Ephesians 5:21 first: submit ourselves one to the other in the fear of God, ( that's key) Verses 22 thru 33 tells us exactly how to do it. If we follow God's principles for our marriages, there will be no room nor a need for "the crowd". ( a third person - be it male or female).

Please don't just take my word for it. . . .search the scriptures for yourself. You'll find out that God has answers for every issue of life. Now shut the door on the crowd, reach to each other for your fulfilment. You're gonna love it!
As a matter of fact, can I let you in on a little secret?. . . .it was there all the time!

Bay-Bay's Kids

Well I guess you're really wondering what in the world could I possibly be talking about., bay-bay's kids? How could that possibly have anything to do with marriage? Simply this: Undisciplined children could cause havoc in your marriage.
The Bible says: Spare the rod, spoil the child. . .Proverbs 13: 24.
In marriages where children are involved, it's even more important to seek the instruction and guidance from the Word of God. Many marriages are disrupted because of undisciplined children causing friction between the husband and the wife. It almost seems as though the children are raising the parents. I'm sure you've seen plenty of examples. These children are known as " Bay-Bays's Kids" , unruly, un-thankful, careless, disobedient, and out of control., and we as parents are partly the blame.
The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 22:6, to train up a child in the way he should go, and we are responsible before God to do just that. In today's society, the laws are very strict when it pertains to children; and it is our responsibility to discipline our children early to prevent Bay-Bay's kids from cropping up later. This too is a part of marriage.
How easy it is to overlook so many simple principles when we do not refer to God's Word and His way when it pertains to our marriage.
Proverbs chapter 24 instructs us to be wise when building , in this instance, your marriage. It goes further to say that a wise man is also strong. Remember, when you are doing the right thing, you can have confidence and strength. It takes a strong man and a strong woman do what's right. So why not make sure your marriage is built on strong and sound biblical truths from God's Holy Word.

Does your marriage seem to be going down the tubes?. . . you just might have Bay-Bay's Kids.

Take back control of your marriage. you know you can. Remember Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. . . .stay Blessed!

Married to the Mob?

I suppose that you think I'm referring to some organized crime group, or perhaps even a movie. Well, it's neither of the two. The Mob is simply all those other people that tend to have input in your marriage and interfere with it's progression. It's sad, but it's true.

Who exactly is the Mob, one may ask? .. Friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, yes and even parents too. Many will say that there's nothing wrong with a little advice from others, especially if they're experienced. How wrong you are!
The Bible clearly teaches us that the moment you take on the vowels of marriage, it is at that very moment that you both leave everyone else, including parents, and cleave or join one to the other to become ONE! ; says Matthew 19. Our focus then should rely on the goals, future, and well-being of each other.; the union called Marriage.
Far too many marriages are destroyed because of bad information from others, and sadly enough, some of that information is designed to disrupt your marriage, simply because their motives were wrong. The divorce courts are full of marriages who have received information from the wrong source, and even some interaction by outsiders has caused your marriages to be where it is today. All because one of you or perhaps both of you are "married to the Mob" instead of each other. Pretty strong words eh?
Well, after all is said and done, there is still some light at the end of the tunnel. Thank God, that He loved us so much, He makes a way of escape for every situation. says Psalms 61:2 when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. You will always encounter situations in life that seem to be more than you can handle. That's why God's Word is available to guide you and sustain you. Believe it or not, you have more than enough help for your marital issues. The scriptures declares: He will never leave you, nor forsake you. . .Hebrews 13:5.

So if there is going to be any divorce in your life, let it be the divorce from the Mob, not each other!

Keep looking up, because your redemption draws nigh! Be Blessed!

Monday, May 28, 2007

What you see, is what you get!

Typically, when it's time for couples to decide on marriage, we generally don't ask God. It's just a fact. However, believe it or not, God also has set a time for us to marry. Surprised? ...well don't be. In the book of Ecclesiastes; Chapter 3, it tells how God has set in order times. A time for everything under the sun.

Many will ask, so how do I pick my mate? Does all of a sudden a man or woman appears, and I fall in love and get married?...Ha! Ha!...Sorry, I do however wish it was that easy, nevertheless. . . . .
The Holy Scriptures tell us in Matthew: 6:25 thru 33, that our heavenly Father knows what we have need of; and yes even a mate. We have been so accustom to making all our decisions based on our senses.....feeling , touching , tasting , hearing, and seeing. No wonder "what you see is what you get".

There is a principle that most couples never consider, and that is trusting in God. You may not believe it but you must trust God with all, or you don't trust Him at all, Marriage in particular. Just a simple principle could save you years of heartaches.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding....Proverbs: 3:5. You see it's not important to try and understand how God works. It just important for you to know that He knows how to work on your behalf. Verse 6 goes on to say : In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

There is an inventory of mates that you can't even see! Praise God! The fact today is: God does care about your marriage. He cares who you marry because He alone only knows your future. Does it take faith? ....very little.

Have you ever gone shopping for a special item, and the salesperson says: "what you see is what we've got".disappointing isn't it?. . .it is the same when you don't look to God for your guidance. After all, isn't marriage a life-time affair.?

AND I SAY To: THE's message is a challenge to you. Choose God's Way to marriage or . . . ."What you see is what you get"

What's mine is mine?

Contrary to popular belief, many marriages try to function on principles that are unfounded; or better still, not according to God's laws.
More so than not, a man or woman through Pride will say, no one can tell me how to live my life or how to spend my money etc. However, the scriptures tell us something completely different. In the book of Romans, chapter 13, Paul the apostle reveals to us that all men should be subject to the higher powers, and those powers come from God. Why is that so important you might say. Well, just like our laws on earth we are subject to, the same it is with the laws of God. In fact, the scripture goes on to say if we resist the law of God, we invite damnation into our destiny.

Here's the message: In the marriage function: What's yours is hers, what's hers is yours, you belong to her , she belongs to you. . .get the picture? ICorinthians 7th chapter, tells us that even our bodies belong to each other. Why wouldn't everything else then belong to each other. Remember this. MARRIAGE IS NOT A BUSINESS!. it is the joining of two becoming one in the site of God and man; thus falling under the laws and guidelines of God.

It's amazing how so many marriages could be so much more fulfilling, if we only followed these simple principles.

Nothing should be separate when it comes to your marriage. Separate vacations , separate bank accounts, and on and on as though you were two total strangers.

I'm sure by now you're saying this is none of my business. YOU'RE RIGHT! .....but it is God's business. Take this tip: If you ever want to know if what you're doing is right or wrong, there are two sure ways to find out. #1. see if it corresponds with God's Word. and #2. look at the results of it.
Take a second look at your marriage. Is it filled with warmth and love unconditional? Or are you too busy separating "what's mine"? Now, take another look . . . . .you'll never be the same!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Marriage . . .To the Preachers

This special message was written by a "First Lady", better known as a preacher's wife.

Marriage to the preachers is a very important segment for marriages, because it gives an inside look at pitfalls and snares that could sneak up and destroy your marriages.

In counseling marriages for some years now, I've found that certain subjects are very rarely addressed. In this segment, we will touch some of the situations that do arise but are rarely talked about for both men and women. even to the preachers!......These are important!!

Being a man or woman of God, one must be careful at all times as the enemy (Satan) is out to destroy God's anointed preachers. You must realize that the devil knows exactly what you like.

Often, motives are not as what they appear to be. Some are there just to destroy all that God has blessed you with, whether it is your anointing, husband, wife, ministry, church, family, etc. and will test you to see how far you will go. How you respond however, be it a kiss, which should be a holy kiss, the holding of the hands, or just touching is another ways is in fact sending the wrong message. Yes, Brotherly love is permissable, but should never creat any feelings of lust or anything inappropriate outside of your marriage bond.

Remember we still live in the flesh and don't always walk in the spirit.; so it is important not to give place to the devil......says: Ephesians 4:27. You cannot allow the enemy to win such encounters.It is too dear of a price to pay for .so you think! It can only destroy in a moment what you have taken a lifetime to build.

Remember, Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled....Hebrews 13:4.

Prosper, be in good health, but most of all, make sure your soul prospers!

The Power of Two

It has often been said and practiced, " the head of the house should make the decisions". . . .How wrong and misleading that statement is. In fact, the truth of the matter is that the head of the house should only initiate the process. Being head means first! First to lead , first to set standards , first to initiate, first to submit, and on and on as the Bible describes a "real head". Because God has made you a head, does not mean that you are a dictator!

Let's see what the Word of God has to say: Matthew 18:19 says.....Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven....(notice the key points are in bold letters) It is very important to understand our roles in our marriage relationship. Our position in God makes us head, our commitment to each other makes us one, and our act of joining together in obedience gives us authority that we would not ordinarily have. It's called " the Power of Two".

You see, God has equipped our marriages with a key called the power of two , to be able to exercise our rights as one upon the earth. That's right, your marriage actually has a God-given right to accomplish the things necessary for your marriage to grow. It's another one of God's Laws. The Power of two, touch and agree, no more twain but one. All of these biblical cliches if you will derive from a law of God, by faith, and it actually works.

Look even at God's law of tithing. People who don't even live for God but tithe, they NEVER RUN OUT OF MONEY, why? because it is a law of God. Give 10% of your earnings to God and your return will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Luke 6:38. Guaranteed!

Make your marriage a marriage of fruitfulness, power and authority. Let the power of two operate in your lives. It will help you accomplished things that others won't even be able to reach. It will also teach you both the joy of marriage and give you a closeness and a bond that cannot be broken.

Allow me to help you today, .....Be wise, take the challenge, exercise the power of two., you can thank me later!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Breaking the Ice

Breaking the ice is a phrase commonly used when strangers gather in an informal setting. Getting to know one another initially. It is also a technique that should be practiced in your every day to day interaction in your marriage.
Sadden to say that too many marriages survive on just a casual agreement, or casual greetings; Hello, how was your day, goodnight. Strangely enough there are marriages that just exist on such an arrangement. No breaking of the ice., just an understanding that you're here and I'm here. Sad isn't it?

In the Holy Scriptures, when Jesus invited his disciples to have a personal relationship with God, he says....take my yoke upon you and learn of me....Matthew 11:29. How difficult it must be to live in the same house with a person that you really don't even know.

In the book of Ephesians, chapter 5, verses 24 thru 33, husbands and wives are admonished to surrender of self to one another as one's self. The bible calls this a great mystery. . . . the giving of one's self to the other. It's called ONENESS.

Now please understand that oneness doesn't mean sameness.You two may be very different in personalities and ideals and values; however, it is the surrendering of one's will to the other in love, commitment, and loyalty.

Why not take the time to really learn about the other and really get to know one another . Take some "Quiet Time" together. If there are children involved, do what's necessary for your children and then take that quiet time TOGETHER! Let each other know how much you need them and love them, and care about what they care about. It's refreshing , informative , and most of all satisfying!, BREAK THE ICE!

Don't Let The Sun Go Down on your Marriage

The Bible teaches us in the scriptures not to let the sun go down on our wrath....Ephesians 4:26. It is telling us that in the course of our day, there may arise situations in our lives where you don't see eye to eye with one another and anger and animosity becomes present.

In such cases, we as children of God are instructed not to let that day pass, angry and unsettled. It is the same in our marriages. There are days that come where everything seems to go wrong. It is at that point we sometimes strike back at one another as though we are letting out our frustrations. We become disagreeable and angry at each other and have forgotten the principle things of our marriage .....forgiveness.

Forgiveness is where it all starts; after all, God so loved us that He forgave! John 3:16. Forgiveness is always the first step of healing and repair. It is also the first step to rebuilding that bridge of communication in our marriages. If we don't learn to forgive one another, do you really expect the Lord to forgive us?

NEVER let one day go by, and NEVER let the sun go down any day, without making sure that there has been nothing that's taken place in your lives that can't be resolved between the two of you. Forgive each other, then embrace one another, heap coals of fire on that mith: (you can't make it!..) You can make it. Speak it out of your mouth, and then give God the praise! Over and over and over again, if necessary, speak God's words into each other's lives and say: the sun will not go down on our marriage, instead, the sun has risen on our marriage in Jesus name! Praise God!
I have just given you a foundational principle from God's Holy Word for your marriage. A prophetic word if you will, .Use it! It'll make a difference in your individual life and in your Marriage. Stay Blessed!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Liar Liar...Marriage is not a bowl of Cherries

Dear Reader: Often we have been lead to believe that marriage is just two people in love and living together happily ever after. Well unfortunately it doesn't quite work like that!

Marriage is however the union of two who have surrendered their lives and will to each other in commitment, to fulfill and complete their lifes. It is the life commitment that makes the difference. In sickness and in health, some of the vowels read, til death do you both part. Yes marriage does have ups and downs, troubles, tribulations, disappointments, and even some surprises. But after all that, marriage is the revelation of God's union with mankind. Surprised? I know, but it's true. God really fashioned the Church after a Marriage, says Ephesians 5:24,25.

Marriage is the process of two people becoming one!. The process of Death, Burial, and Resurrection, just as Christ did.

Death: We must die to our ways and self-centeredness to open the door for our mate to now become a part.
Burial: We must forever bury (not hide) those things (hurts, fears, disappointments of the past) that would interfere with our communicating with each other.
Resurrection: This is the result of . . . .no more twain, but one flesh. Matthew 19. Then will your marriage spring forth like a new day., and no matter what crops up, together you are able to walk with Victory and Confidence because together you have won! Praise God! Now that's what I call MARRIAGE GOD'S WAY!

Stay Blessed!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Building Your Marriage

Easier said than done. . . . .You're absolutely right! Building your marriage is very simular to having your house built, because it's you who decides the type of foundation and what materials will be used to do it. Some prefer stone or brick and some prefer wood and block. Which ever you pick, must be able to withstand the climate of the season. Here's the point. . . . .How you start will ultimately dictate how you end up!

A sure way to build is to build on the strongest foundation, and use the strongest materials available, in order for your house to hold up under severe climate conditions.

The Holy Scriptures tell us to adhere to the sayings of Christ as we are building our marriages as well as our own personal lives. Christ goes further to say in Matthew 7:24 - 27, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and do them, I will liken him unto a man which built his house upon a rock.When the rain and floods came and beat upon the house, it withstood the test and fell not!

You see, if we examine our own lives and aline it with God's Word, our marriages can be built on the strongest foundation. Have you ever tried to assemble one of those cabinets without the instructions? Doesn't always turn out the way it should. As it is with our marriages, ever try to built a marriage relationship without the instructions?.......or maybe you have! . . . .Hmm!

Be a wise son and daughter, build your marriage on a sure foundation, build your marriage God's Way!

Try it . . . . .you'll never be the same.

The Second Time Around

Many people have been mislead about the mith of "second marriages"; even when the first one was a total disaster. It is very common among the church to brand such people as being "out of the will of God".

Let's really see what God's Holy Word says about that! In the scriptures in Matthew 19, Jesus was presented with the question of Divorce. His reply however, was always one of Revelation and Salvation! What does that mean one will say: Simply this: God allows people to be joined together in His love. Why do you think the one phrase that stands out is: therefore what God hath joined together, let not man put asunder....

You see my friends, many of us have joined ourselves together and for the wrong reasons. Money, sex,.pregnancies, escape from the house, prestige, keeping up with the Jones, and many many other reasons that do not meet God's criteria for marriage. Let's be honest, the human element comes into play here. WE MAKE MISTAKES!!. But God is merciful and understanding and not willing that any should perish....

Be confident about your "second time around"; let your mistakes and failures become stepping stones for your future. Don't be deceived by judgements that are not scriptural. Let the Lord lead and guide you. Put God first in your Marriage and see if it doesn't make a difference. You'd be surprised how much the Lord really wants you to be happy. Remember, this is your day, if God is in it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Mighty Counselor

Marriage sometimes is very much like traveling. It's always important to know where you are at in order to know where you are trying to get to. This of course requires some kind of direction or specificly a map.

Although pride occasionally gets in the way of our admitting that counseling may be necessary at certain stages of our relationships. So what better way is there than to ensure that you are following the right path, is to get your directions from God.
Proverbs 37:26 says that : the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. . . typically we say : "I don't need anyone to tell me how to live my life or to conduct my marital affairs." and justifiably so, we follow our own paths until we are faced with a problem. Well consider this; if you needed milk, why would you go to an automotive store to buy it? Kind of crazy isn't it?.....unfortunately, we tend to function in that same light, by that I mean we look to all the wrong sources to solve our dilemmas.; rather than going to the Main Source. That source my friend is God's Holy Word, believe it or not.

Our heavenly Father knows what we have need of; says Matthew 6:32 which includes: troubles, tribulations, habits, hangups, and every other obstacle that would interrupt the growth of your marriage.

When you are looking in all the wrong places for answers, friends, co-workers, physics, yes and even family members, we actually cheat our selves and our marriages from receiving the necessary help we need..
Look into the "perfect law of liberty" for your help and guidance, through Christ, The Mighty Counselor! ,. . . also. . .King of Kings , Lord of Lords , Alpha and Omega, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The I am that I am, Our Rock, Our Salvation, Our Healer, Our Provider, Our Saviour.!. . . . .good place to look, don't you think:
May God richly Bless you today!

The Critical Times

Quite often during the course of our marriages, a time arises called " the critical time" This is a time when life pressures seem to squeeze out of us the unpleasantness of our personalities. In other words, we're not the same, we don't act the same, nor do we speak the same, and most of all, we don't respond to each other the same.

It is during this time the test of marriage is holding on to it's weakest point. Nevertheless, it is also during this time you learn the "power of agreement".
Let's see what the scriptures say: In Matthew 18:19, says If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.

Now you may say, awe! that's just religious garble! But it's not. It is a PRINCIPAL OF LIFE first natural, then spiritual...Listen, the Webster dictionary says that a corporation has legal powers. and God says that you have those same exact powers when you both, husband and wife come together in agreement,(the same way a corporation forms)(they come to an agreement), now if the "regular world understands this principle and have formed successful businesses and companies that operate in today's society, and I might add are profitable. How much more power and authority would you have using God's principle? Food for thought eh? I challenge you today, right now, see if you can make the devil out of a Liar!, your marriage can stand the test of life's ups and downs, NOW prove God!
. . . . but with God all things are possible
...Matthew 19:26

Don't Throw in the Towel

Very rarely do we seek to find new solutions when we feel that our marriage is over.
Subsequently, we "throw in the towel". However, the Bible talks about FAITH,not feelings.

It's very obvious of course to take that route since before we decided to take on marriage we didn't seek for God's guidance, so it is a sure thing that after we're married and things didn't turn out the way we planned, we surely don't seek for God's guidance.

Well, I've got GOOD NEWS. . .. .Don't throw in the towel, God has a Repair plan that's literally out of this world! In fact His solutions don't come from this world, they are from above. Isaiah 55:8,9 declares that . . .for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways,saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher that the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thought than your thoughts. Sometimes even marriage counselors don't have the answers for our situations, But God does!

Don't throw in the towel. . . there's a solution waiting,with both your names on it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My dear children, (it is how we appear to God) this segment is actually concerning how we speak to one another.

Our communication is the most vital part of our marriage. It is the thermostat of our relationship. It tells us whether our marriage is HOT or COLD. Why is that so important one might ask. Because how you communicate will determine the affect we have in each others lives. Always remember, Words cannot be taken back.

The Bible teaches us in James 3:2: if any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man and is able also to bridle the whole body..Wow! that's pretty powerful. If we could only speak those things that add to, encourage,enlighten, or improve the other, how effective our marriage would be. Make no mistake, how you communicate with each other tells others just how important you are to each other. Think about it, those of you who have children. When children see the lack of communication, they have no government to guide them. Dad says one thing and Mom may not even care; impacting the moral fiber of the child. if Mom and Dad do it, so should I. Hmmm!

Life and death are in the power of the tongue, says Proverbs 18:21. When you are careless in how you communicate, you then become Armed and Dangerous


The initial concept of giving to receive is also a Biblical concept which is essential in your marriage.

Marriage is never a one-sided affair. It is the act of giving to receive. In Luke, Chapter 6:38, it admonishes us to give, and our return will be given back, good measure, shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom. The very idea of giving is necessary in your marriage in order for life's plan to fall in place. As you give to one another, time, attention, love,compassion,
commitment,loyalty,forgiveness,passion, and many others that are within you both; you solitify the foundation of your relationship.

The important message today is: IF YOU DON'T GIVE THESE THINGS OF YOURSELF, YOU CANNOT EXPECT TO RECEIVE THEM. . .REMEMBER: "what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap", Galatians: 6:7.

So if you've got it. . .that just simply means that you've given it!

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Bird in the Hand. . . .

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. . . says an old novelist. Although society has changed it's standard of morals where two birds in the bush seems to be a better deal.

Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. . .says Hebrews: 13:4. It is just a fact and a part of God's law. Infidelity in a marriage in ALL cases deal with the lack of something or principle things missing in your union of marriage.

In the book, "I Do" being written by author Elder L.C. Scott, he tells us about key things in our marriages that affect the lifeblood of our relationship, such as motive, intent, desire, commitment, and many other ingredients that lead us to the path of matrimony. Statistics will show that marriages without these major factors results in the same way a cake turns out without using butter, milk, eggs, etc.

The truth of the matter is: You can have marriage YOUR WAY. . .but that only works at Burger King. Marriage God's way will fill your life with so much joy,peace,and happiness, that you will never ever think about "the two in the bush"

Are you married? . . .THEN BE MARRIED!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Let's Get Ready To Rumble

In most cases, once the thrill is gone, we teach ourselves to do just that!....Let's get ready to rumble.. .Confrontation usually is the choice married couples take when different views of opinions come to the surface., and it's always the easiest way out.

However, God's way of facing a problem when there are different perspectives is simply looking at the Big Picture...not what's good for me, but what's good for us!

There once was a bond woman in the Bible who was not able to take care of her child., so a free woman cared for the child. When it was time for the mother to claim her child, the free woman told the King that it was her child. The King simply used the principle of the heart and told both women this: because you both have claimed the child, I will be fare to you both and cut the child in half. Immediately, the bond woman says, never mind, it's her child. The King then knew that it was really the bond woman's child, thus settling the dispute.

How is this relevant: The King new that real love would protect it's child. REAL LOVE conquers any situation, because it is the foundation of your marriage.

Thus the scripture: 1Corinthians 13:4-8. CHARITY (Love) Is there really LOVE in your marriage?, or shall we "get ready to rumble".

Friday, May 18, 2007

Papa's Gotta a Brand New Bag!

I guess you thought I was speaking of the Song by the late James Brown; sorry about that. . . . .what I really mean is that Papa's really got a brand new Bag; which is always the case in your marriage when there is no communication.

The holy scriptures tells us that in marriage, we belong to each other and our priority should be focused around each other. Even in the church society, putting God first does not mean putting your spouse second. Don't you get it?. . .putting your spouse as #1 signifies that you are adhering to the scriptures that says in Matt.19:5&6...for this cause shall a man/women leave the parents and shall cleave to each other and become one.

The sad and unfortunate epic of Papa has a new bag is always the result of the absence of this bible principle. "I can do bad by myself" many say when they don't get the very needed and mandated attention of the other. It will force the other party to seek for a "new bag" often interpreted as "something on the side".

Here's the point. . . .make the time to devote to giving your undivided attention to your spouse. It will cause your marriage to spring forth a new spout instead of a "new bag".

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. . .Matt: 6:21

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Wine in Old Bottles

Often our marriages fall prey to the habit of putting new wine into old bottles . . so what am I really saying? . . . .

It's really not me, but the Lord, as outlined in Matthew 9:17.

We often bring hurts,failures, disappointments,fears and past experiences into our newly found relationships, better known as Marriage!, and all of a sudden, we are viewing our marriages differently as these "old bottles" surface. Much like a soar, sometimes what's really in our heart takes time to appear.. . .so out the window with longevity, it could happen after 20,30,40, even 50 years. Believe it or not, you can only suppress the real you for so long, then one day, we awake to a different wife or husband. Scary, isn't it?

Once working in a produce store, I learned that damaged fruit usually always affects the good fruit. It somehow eventually spoils even the fresh fruit. What's the message here? . . . New wine is your marriage, the old bottle is YOU! can you change?

2Corinthians 5:17. . .Therefore, if any man be in Christ,he is a new creature:. . . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What's up doc

Interestingly enough, "what's up doc" derives from the scriptures:

Colosians 3:1 says, . . .if ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above. . .Matthews 6:19 says . . .Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. Verse 20 says, . . .But lay up for yourselves treaures in heaven . . .

One would say, how does that relate to marriage? Simply because the scripture also says, . . .Remember Verse 21: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Attitude, mind set, . . .where's yours? Remember: . . . .How you build your marriage is just as important as getting married!

When we are facing life's obstacles in our marriages, it is vital that our motivation,dedication, and inspiration has a base. That base must come from above., it's your source and your strength. It's your assurance and insurance that your marriage will be prosperous. Try it, you just might be surprised.

Who's on first"

If you can remember the old comedy team, Abbott and Costello, you may remember the phrase: "who's on first"nevertheless, the sometimes confusing issue as it pertains to marriage is WHO'S ON FIRST.

According to the scriptures, a marriage outside of the parameters of order, is a sure sign that your marriage will fail. Let's look at God's word to see:

1Corinthians 11:3 says that God is the head of Christ, and Christ is the head of man and man is the head of the women. Now it does not say that man is better, more intelligent, smarter, or has been given more, it just says that man is the head. Case and point, the position that you take will dictate the rise or fall of your marriage. If you do not know where you are at, there's a good chance that you don't know where you are going. Take your rightful place in your marriage union and watch the course of your lives fall in place. Now you know who's on first!

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Principal Thing. . .

Proverbs 4:7 says WISDOM is the principle thing ; therefore get widom and with all thy getting, get understanding.. . . .

I DO is without controversy one of the smallest phrases yet the most binding and poweful and fulfilling statements made in life. It identifies and solidifies the LIFETIME commitment between two consenting adults to embark upon the journey called MARRIAGE.

So why are our marriages failing? Why have we discounted them or reduced them to what we call a
RELATIONSHIP? A relationship is . . ."a state of being related" says Webster; but what does God say?
Two people, no more twain (or two) but one. Oneness, is the key. That's right, no more twain but one, says Matt 19:6. You can be completely opposite and yet be one! Why does God put so much emphases on being one? because the power of agreement carries an authority unmatched by any organization, business, or private interest group. The power of agreement transends the language of the earth, because it not only agrees with the laws of the land, it agrees with God's law which is the language from above. Ask yourself. . . .is my marriage in a state of oneness?................God Bless

Marriage is Honorable

Marriage is Honorable
be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17