Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
The Faith of a Marriage - Part II
The Faith of a Marriage - Part I
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Love, Lust, and Lies. . .
After the Thrill is Gone. . .
After the thrill is gone, and of course you’re wondering what thrill it is I’m referring to.
It is the thrill of marriage. Yes, it’s that thrill that kept you awake at nights, so in love and not being able to wait until daybreak for another opportunity to see, touch, converse with that special someone. You remember don’t you?
Some may choose a couple of weeks to get away, while others choose a secluded place to wallow in passion. Don’t be ashamed, it’s natural and legal. (smiles). Even the Bible says:
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
So you see, even the Lord knows that marriage is one of the most beautiful experiences in life, if of course it’s done with purpose and sincere intent.
After years pass, (hoping that it last that long) the mind wonders. The mind wonders if he or she is still loved or if they are still number one. No, it’s not a pretty picture I’m painting, however, it is a reality in some marriages. Sometimes all it takes is a little interest from an outside party and a war inside begins. A door now opens for temptation!
It is the perfect time for the Lord to take over. Yes, it’s that simple. You just need to invite Him in, that is, into your life and then into your marriage. It’s kind of a reality check.
Dear friend, you really don’t have to switch partners. That’s usually the “quick fix” for unhappy relationships today. What you really need is a marriage tune-up. Sounds funny….it’s not.
Please, my friends, don’t give up because you think or feel that the thrill is gone out of your marriage. Call upon the Lord, He will make a difference, . . .in your life and in your marriage. After all, it’s what Marriage God's Way is all about., our marriages..
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Easier Said Then Done. . . Part II
Since our ancestors failed to teach us these biblical principles, and obviously our parents didn't either, Where does that teaching come from?
Let me explain. . .it comes From God's mouthpiece, the man or woman of God! That's right the good old fashion Preacher. . .Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
Did you think that churches were established just so that men and women have a place to do their good deed for the week ,(only) by listening to an inspiring moral philosophy? Not so, my friends, it is a place set up and ordained by God to deliver, out of the Word of God, the message of instruction from our creator,God concerning our lives, and yes our marriages included. Amen.
The Word of God is designed to challenge your life.
Now whether or not you believe it and receive it, is completely up to you. 2 Timothy 3:16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Let’s face it, we can only do what we know. What determines how your marriages will rise or fall is based strictly upon “what you know”; or better yet, knowing what to do and how to do it.
Therefore, my job, is to encourage you, to inspire you, to try and give you hope, with alternatives, because it is what God requires from me. Praise the Lord!. . . so I am humbled and honored to be able to share with you the married, and the unmarried, some valuable principles out of the Word of God, so that it will no longer be “Easier said than done” but rather comfortably done with confidence and assurance that God has designed the ultimate plan for your marriages. Just because He Loves you so!
My prayer today is that you are Blessed!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Easier Said Then Done. . . Part I
Easier said than done. We say it, but rarely do we do it! In today's message, of course is about our journey called Marriage. A marriage sealed by a ceremony and a vow which says: "I Do". However; it's Easier said then Done!
That's right, just a simple phrase with one simple breath, we change the entire course of our lives. The easy to pronounce words of a marriage vow is effortless, yet in it we legally declare before God and man, that this is it! We vow to commit, to submit, to endure and ensure that at all cost, we will protect and provide for this is our bond of faith, love, desire, it is our marriage.Yet, after all of that . . .it's still easier said than done.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The Proof is in the Pudding. . .
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. . .says the scriptures, and marriage without Christ is the same.
In today's segment, one of the most important foundational truths is revealed. The truth about your marriages and how and why it will flourish and grow, or turn into a regrettable nightmare.
Yes, my dear readers, Marriage was originally designed to be a Holy thing, but mankind has changed it into a "weekend getaway".
One might ask, why do you call it a weekend getaway? Simply because weekend getaways are literally just for the weekend. In other words, TEMPORARY. We swap marriage partners like we trade automobiles; and without conscience.. We have no sense of commitment or dedication or reverence for the act of Holy Matrimony.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; II Timothy 3:1-5.
Can't you see why it is so necessary to have Jesus Christ in our lives, especially when it comes our marriages. What will prevent you from caring out these traits mentioned above, and what will prevent you from reneging on your marriage vows. . . .I'll tell you . . . . .Christ in you, the Hope of Glory!
Then and only then will you be able to withstand the wyles of the enemy,( Satan). That's right, Satan, the devil. His job is to deceive you in thinking that you are able to handle your marriages without the help of a saviour. (Christ).
The promise of true happiness in your marriage is incumbent upon your ability and responsibility to develop a relationship with Christ. Then you will possess the ability to ensure your marriages work. It's true.
Even if one of the parties are not saved and does not belong to the Body of Christ, the one who is will acts as a covering for the other until such time that other party believes. (it 's Bible)
What's the real message here: Faith! It is the key that releases the Power of God through your life and marriage to fulfill your purpose. Religious or not, you need Christ
Put your marriage to the test today, examine the fruits of it, measure the happiness and contentment of it. Check for voids and productivity, then you'll know, "the proof is in the pudding". . . . and the truth is in the results.
Be Blessed. . . . because you need to be!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Money, Money,Money. . Mon-Nay !
Right away I'm sure you've recognized today's topic. MONEY! Yes money is a good thing. In fact, the Bible even says: but money answers all things. Ecclesiastes 10:19 ; so the truth of the matter is, money is good. However, the real question is: how will it affect our marriages, and will it destroy it or enhance it.
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Whole Truth & Nothing but the Truth !
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Not What. . .But Why !
In today's message, we discover the truths about our marriages and relationships. Let's face it, our marriages either work or they don't work, not because of the "what" but the "why".
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Everything that glitters is not Gold !
Educated in a little country town called Live Oak, Florida, and eventually graduating from high school in Philadelphia , Pa.; Traveling half way around the world, seeing great cities as Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, and ending up in Viet Nam, Not going to college until I was married some years later. I saw many great things, and some not so great. All this, before I even turned 20. I have found in that short time unto this day, that "everything that glitters, ain't gold".
Monday, June 18, 2007
Work from Home!
Sounds like an advertisement? Ha! Ha!. Trust me, it's not. Today's message deals with our every day activities and life styles, as we build our marriages. Working from home is actually the plan God has intended for your marriage to grow. Now what exactly do I mean by that?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Which Way is UP. . . ?
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Marriage is your Ministry
Friday, June 15, 2007
Can I Get a Witness. . .
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Marriage on the Rocks?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Reason for the Season. . .
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A Matter of Choice, not chance!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Mix and Match. . .is it God's Way?
Save the Children
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Understanding your mate!
When the going gets tough!
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me . . .says the Psalms 23:4 in today's message. Marriage many times has it's dark days and if I might add, even some days that you just don't even feel married.
It's true, there are days that come when you just feel alone! That's when it really seems like the going gets tough. It's natural, and it's reality. Nevertheless, there are solutions.
Allow me to share this little secret! In the book of Psalms, chapter 25, verse 14, reads: The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and He will show them His covenant. In other words, sometimes there are things that will come up in our marriages that we just don't have control over. It is precisely at that time God wants us to know that He is our source! Praise God! Your abilities, your talents, education, intellect and resources sometimes are just not enough to deal with life's curves. That's when we call upon a greater power, the power of God! You see, that's why marriage God's way is so important in our relationships. You are one step ahead of the game with the Lord on your side. Listen at the scriptures: with men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
One will say, well how is this done? It's simple, it's all done by FAITH. You say that you don't have any? . . of course you do, the Bible says Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!, Romans 10:17; so if you've been reading these timely messages each day, . . . .you've got Faith. Amazing isn't it! Well it's just that easy.
Start using your faith (in God) to begin attacking those situations where you feel helpless. I promise you, it works. So when the going gets tough, God gets tougher.. . .put your faith to work today for your marriage, you'll be glad that you read this little segment!
Be Blessed!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
It's your Thing. . .do what you want to do?
Today's message deals with dwelling together, outside of the marriage bond. Yes, that's right, I'm referring to "Shacking". Shacking, is a modern day term for two people who supposedly love one another but not enough to make the life-time commitment called marriage. It's easy, it's convenient, and has many escape clauses. But!. . . it's against God's Law.
Consider what I say, and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. . .II Timothy 2:7; says the Apostle Paul as he speaks to the church that seeks for excellence. Excellence in our relationships as in the union of marriage is what God requires.
Just living together is not enough in the eyesight of God. Marriage requires a commitment.
You wouldn't walk into a supermarket and ask to take the groceries home to try them before you paid for them would you? Well it is the same in the marriage bond. Anything short of the plan that God has set forth is called " Fornication." .That's right, it's a sin!
Think about it, if the institution of marriage through the process of ceremony, license, blood test, and etc, has been adopted just about throughout the world, and is required by law in most states in this country, there's a very likely possibility that this tradition has been passed down from somewhere. . . . . .it has, . . . the Word of God!
Although the moral fiber of today's society has been reduced to just : doing what you want to do . . ., it does not negate the fact that God has the plan designed for those who will engage in an intimate relationship, called Marriage. Matthew 19 says that this is the only time when it is necessary for a man and woman to leave their family roots to embark on the journey of Holy Matrimony.
Consider this; we involve God to take on this vowel, ( a preacher, God's man or woman) but not when we divorce, ( it takes lawyers) . . .Hmm!. . .doesn't that tell you something? Things that are of God are eternal, but things that are of this earth are just temporal.! Food for thought? . . .you better believe it!
The message: " if you're shacking, . . . .you just might want to start packing". . . . .or maybe not, remember: you really only have to answer to God!
God loves you today!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Split-Level Marriage
Very often, marriages are classified as "Split-Level Marriages". Of course you're going to say: what on earth is a split-level marriage.
Split-level marriages are those marriages that just exist on an agreement and not a commitment.. Kind of like: "you take the high road and I'll take the low road" agreement.
These marriages function basically with two individuals going in separate directions. The husband and wife take their own vacations and schedule events only around themselves and not with each other! Sad isn't it. What's even sadder, it's against God's principles of marriage.
It is diametrically opposed to the vowels of marriage and is the number one cause of divorce. I'm sure most people aren't aware of that statistic. It's true.
It is impossible for a marriage to function in those type scenarios, not to mention that it actually nullifies the marriage vowels you took. .Don't be deceived, you don't really have a marriage under those conditions. You just have a bed partner!
Let's see what the Holy scriptures tell us. In the book of Amos, chapter 3, verse 3 reads: Can two walk together except they be agreed. It is a law, a principle, and a commandment of God. Sorry, there's no way around it. You are destined for failure and ultimately divorce. If there are children involved, it is even more devastating, because you have destroyed the foundational upbringing of those siblings. Shame on you!
When Jesus prayed for his disciples in the book of St. John 17:21 He says: That they all may be one;. . .doesn't that strike your senses? The Bible speaks a lot about being one!
Split-level marriages just don't work! Besides, anything you split becomes two. Get the point? No longer two, but one. . .Matthew 19: 6. You see, you've got it backwards!
What is the message for your marriage? Come together as one, it will revolutionize your marriage and your life.. . . . .then you really will have a Blessed day!
Marriage of the Heart
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Death, Burial, and Ressurection
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Together we Stand
Monday, June 4, 2007
Don't Let "the Jones" get you down!
Yes, unfortunately, too many marriages suffer needlessly because of the pressures of societies life styles. If the "Jones" have a four bedroom house, you think that you should have one or else they'll think we're poor, even if you can afford it.
Many of our marital problems have stemmed from just looking at the wrong things. Our decisions regarding the welfare of our marriages sometimes distort our happiness. After all, our original plan is to be happy, and I might add, happy with the choices we have made is important.
The Bible teaches us in the book of Romans 14:22. . . happy is he that condemeth not himself in that thing which he allows. What we are saying here is, God has given every man/woman the ability to choose what's right and what's wrong. It's called our conscience. It is our responsibility in the marriage union to allow our inner ability to do the right thing.; and Keeping up with "The Jones" is not the way!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having "a little". In fact the scriptures when referring to righteousness, tells us that: . . . a little that a righteous man has is greater than all the riches of the wicked. . .Psalms 37:16.
Is is however important that as we build our lives and marriages so that we do not loose sight on what's really important. Remember, the decisions we make, also dictate the consequences we face! Am I saying that you should live poor and beggarly, absolutely not! However, I am saying that you should NEVER base your life and marriage decisions on what another person has., just for impression sake. Now that's foolish! Think about it. If Rome wasn't built in a day, why is it so important that you have everything today!
These are the things that destroy our marriages. What's the message here? Simply this.; God has given us the ability to labour for the things that we need and want. He has even given us the power to gain wealth. . says Deuteronomy 8:18. . . and it is up to us how we use that power!
Better to start small and end up big, than to try and "keep up with the Jones". So, don't let the Jones get you down!. . . .Get the idea? You should.....after all, your marriage depends on it!
Marriage is Honorable

be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. . .Ephesians 5:17